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VIP Whale Watching Adventure – Ex Brisbane

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  • No-hassle best price guarantee
  • Customer care available 24/7
  • Hand-picked Tours & Activities

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Do not hesitage to give us a call. We are an expert team and we are happy to talk to you.

+ 613 9016 9347


From AUD$195.00
  • Duration: 330 Minutes (approx.)
  • Location: Redcliffe, QLD
  • Product code: VIP-BNE


Have a Brisbane Holiday Dollar Voucher? – Contact our friendly reservation team to book your adventure now on (07) 3880 0477

Book Now For Guaranteed Sightings!

Spoil yourself with a VIP Whale Watching experience from Eye Spy’s luxurious and spacious mid deck section located directly behind the Captains Wheelhouse. This exclusive elevated VIP area has limited tables with non reserved seating and offers an optimum viewing position of the whales.

Of all the great whales, the Humpback is the most surface active displaying behaviour that will
not only inspire you but leave you in awe. There quite clearly is no better place to observe the mighty Humpback Whales than Brisbane’s Moreton Bay, acknowledged as one of the world’s best whale watching destinations in the world.

Your Captain Kerry Lopez, is recognised as the only female Captain that owns and skippers a whale
watching venture in the South Pacific rim.  Kerry’s skilled and dedicated friendly crew will assure you an unforgettable whale watching adventure.

Enjoy a beautiful, gourmet picnic lunchbox as you look on in awe as these amazing gentle giants relax in your
company, breach, blow and play all within meters from the boat. Located 30 minutes north of the Brisbane CBD on the beautiful Redcliffe Peninsula, we are pleased to offer guests a luxury full day’s whale watching adventure on the magnificent vessel ‘Eye Spy’ with the following inclusions:

·        Return Bus Transfers from Brisbane CBD

.        Guaranteed Exclusive VIP Mid Deck Table (limited to 25 guests per tour)

·        Positioned behind Captain’s Wheelhouse

·        Priority serving to all VIP guests for lunch

·        Boarding commences at 9.00am for a 10.00m departure

·        Returns back to the Redcliffe Jetty by 2.30pm

·        Gourmet picnic lunchbox including chicken, ham, garden salad, potato salad, fruit and more

·        Extensive and informative commentary

·        A portion of every ticket is donated to ongoing whale research with various whale organisations

·        A licensed bar, snack and souvenir counter is available

*Please note that the outside mid deck is available to all guests however the VIP experience guarantees our guests an exclusive inside climate controlled cabin area with limited numbers offering the above inclusions.  As per Eye Spy’s Seating Plan (mid deck), tables of 4 and 6 are available. VIP Guests might be required to share a table between bookings. If you have a booking which includes a non paying infant; please note that there is no seat allocated unless they are charged as a Child therefore may be required to sit on your lap.

As an Eco Accredited Company, we believe that providing people with an opportunity to
witness these amazing creatures first hand, not only puts a lot of smiles on guests faces but offers an increased awareness of the beauty of nature and the need to nurture our precious wildlife.

Afterpay is now available – Please contact our reservation team on (07) 3880 0477

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