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Shuttle – Port Douglas to Domestic Airport vice versa (includes turtle cove stop/pickup on request)

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  • No-hassle best price guarantee
  • Customer care available 24/7
  • Hand-picked Tours & Activities

Get a Question?

Do not hesitage to give us a call. We are an expert team and we are happy to talk to you.

+ 613 9016 9347


  • Duration: 75 Minutes (approx.)
  • Location: North Cairns, QLD
  • Product code: PORT2DOM


Product Description

The Port Douglas Shuttle
service is great value for money with the added convenience of two daily scheduled
departures from any Cairns CBD location & Cairns Domestics &
International Airport, including northern beaches, and various suburbs on route
to Port Douglas. This scheduled service operates 365 days per year. See
timetable below 

(now includes (includes turtle cove stop/pickup on request) when making a booking up in special needs pick up or drop off Turtle cove) 


Online bookings are essential 

We are more than happy to
take bookings direct by phone on +61 431 133 713, 24/7 365, however additional
charges of $10.00 will apply by purchasing your tick over the phone.

Things you need to know

The Port Douglas Shuttle
operates on a scheduled service. Late arrivals will be given an option move to
another schedule time, subject to availability. Please contact +61 431 133 713

Reminder to book your return,
and have your QR code available for scanning at your pickup location; your
QR code can be found on booking confirmation for each travelling passenger

Cairns Airport Domestic and
International Terminal are in separate building locations.

Where do we meet?

Cairns Airport –

Cairns Domestic T2 Terminal: Once
you have collected your luggage from the Carousel, head in a northly direction towards
the glass doors adjacent to carousel 3, go through the glass sliding doors and
turn right in the direction of bus bays 1-13 . You will see well signed vehicle
with driver wearing Tour Logistics / Oasis Transport. Tour Logistics is our
mother company who specialises in local tours.

Cairns International T1 Terminal: On
arrival to the terminal foyer turn left through the glass double doors, past
the gardens you will notice the bus bays. You will see a Driver & vehicle
signed with Tour Logistics / Oasis Transport our mother company who specialises
in local tours.



for money

Fixed pricing

Paperless booking

Discounts on Tours

Twice a day departures

Buying your tickets

We offer a quick and easy to
use online booking service with instant confirmation of your chosen travel
dates and times. You will receive an instant confirmation

to your nominated email. Your confirmation email will have a QR code for your
driver to scan as proof of purchase for boarding the bus. If there is no
availability for your selected dates and time we have enabled a waitlist option
in our booking platform for additional requests, should demand increase we will
make any additional vehicle available and send you a confirmation.

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